A Foreign Buyer’s Guide to buying a home in Arizona
Any person who is not a resident of the United States can still purchase property in the United States of America. As Foreigner, buying real estate in Arizona is quite similar to the process for a citizen or permanent resident with slight variation. The Foreign Buyers Guide to Buying a Home in Arizona USA below will offer you an insight to Buying a home as a foreigner. If you have questions or would like more information, request a one on one complimentary consultation at no charge via, phone or Skype here.
[pdfjs-viewer url=https://www.luxurylivinginphoenix.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Foreign-Buyers-Guide-to-Buying-a-Home-in-Arizona-USA.pdf viewer_width=1040px viewer_height=1500px fullscreen=true download=true print=true openfile=false]
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Print a copy of the Foreign Buyers Guide to Buying a Home in Arizona USA here or request a hard copy to be mailed to you